Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2010 Mary's River Quilt Quild Quilt Challenge

Scrap It Your Way

This challenge is intended to help members reduce their stash. With the downturn in the economy, people are packing their lunches, watching their pennies and stretching their dollars, and the Challenge Quilt Committee wants to help. Each brown bag challenge packet contains two fat quarters of coordinated fabric to use as a starting point for your project – a quilt, a wall hanging, wearable art or maybe even a reusable quilted bag for shopping—REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.
Participants are allowed to trade fabrics with someone else if desired.

1. The two fat quarter fabrics must be used on the front or outside of the project.
2. Participants must use their fabric stash for the top. However, the back of the quilt or
wearable art can be newly purchased.
3. Challenge yourself to do something different/new—try a new block, technique, or machine quilting design.

This is my fabric for the challenge

My initial selection was something all together more horrible. Actually one of the prints was a very old fashioned sort that I buy on occasion, but which I can never figure out how to use. Luckily the woman sitting next to me was as horrified with her initial selection of fabric, as I was with mine, so we made a swap. But now even though I rather like these and I think I have things that will work with them, I have made no progress and my deadline is fast approaching.

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