Thursday, August 1, 2013

Firey Squares

These blocks started out as a test run for the guild's October Challenge, but for that it is a bust. The full square circuit of one colour does not achieve my assigned goal. At first I was very upset. I probably still should be, as I have no idea how I am going to meet the deadline, but I have decided I like the hot firey colours. I have 10 of the small log cabin blocks completed and plenty of fabric to make two more, so I will have four of these, about 10 inch, blocks.

Firey Squares

I am not sure how to set these blocks. I don't have the fabric to make a large quilt (or the time really), but I don't think these four blocks side by side (making a large square) will do. It would be a bit small(or large), plus I think matching up the medium red side by side, seems to take away some of the firey impact. I am thinking about turning them a little on their sides by adding a narrow triangular border -- probably in a blue -- around the red squares. But so far I have only reached the thinking stage.

Summer II

Summer II

I found this green fabric and knew it was the perfect summer green, a bit browned by the heat of the sun. And then I realized I was meant to be making Spring. Sigh... So Summer II is going to be completed before Spring I. (But I got an idea during my knitting group this evening.)

Pinks and Chartreuse Stars

Pink & Chartreuse
Now all four borders are on. I even got the quilt top pinned to the batting and the dark grey backing after the photo was taken.

Now I have three and a half quilt sandwiches pinned together (the half is mostly quilted but still partially pinned), but now I am out of pins. I don't even have a couple of pins to do a mug rug or a potholder, so I guess it is time to get on with some quilting.

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