Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sisters VI

A few more quilts from Sisters 2010. I believe these are the products of a quilting workshop.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Puss in the Corner

Here is yet another quilt in progress.

I saw this exemplar when I followed the link from her Birding Blog to her quilting blog. I'd never noticed the block before, but this really appealed to me. Immediately I thought it would work with some of my bright fabric. I was thinking specifically of oranges and aquas of which I had plenty. It is bright and certainly different from my model, but I am basically pleased.

Except now I have to figure out what to do about the back. I knew what I was going to do, but my piece of fabric is not big enough for the back. Oops now I have the back figured out, I am going to add a row of blocks and it will work.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sisters V

Orange Marmalade
Originally uploaded by alice_knitter
Orange Marmalade
By Beth Durand

This quilt was hanging in a courtyard set up for eating so I could not get the whole quilt without people munching, tables and waiters, but I thought it was lovely (and not small) and I was saddened by the very low asking price.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sisters IV

Although they were not 100% successful, for the most part I was impressed by how well the quilts hanging on any given wall or area complimented one another. I guess with well over 1000 quilts they had plenty to chose from and plenty to be buried under as well -- overall I was impressed.