Saturday, August 25, 2012

Two -- Almost Completed Quilt Tops

This is my second pair of (almost) completed quilt tops that are very similar. There is a third pair, but in that case I completed one quit, but have not yet put the blocks for the second quilt together.

Black & White - Yellow & Blue

Yellow & Black

The first time I made two similar quilts, it was at least partly out of need, I had made enough blocks for one quilt but they simply did not all go together. So I quickly made enough for two. In all three cases the blocks were quick and simple to make. The process has been rather educational.

This time round I have a few extra blocks and I have plans for a very different third quilt made from these same fabrics, but I suspect it will take me a bit of time. I am puzzling over a zig zag form, which probably won't be completely regular.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Service Quilt Round Robin

One of my guild's, The Mary's River Quilt Guild's, on going projects is to make quilts for local people in need. One of the Service Committee's newer tactics, designed to increase the production of service quilts, is to do round robins.

I picked this one up to work on.

Service Quilt Round Robin

I am not sure how many people have worked on it to date, but I guess two.

I enjoy working on these round robins because I feel free to work with the design constraints of the piece without worrying about the aesthetic sensibilities of the owner.

The packet of fabrics they gave me for the next step seems to be mostly fairly dark blues, but I sort of think I should give it one more band, in a light fabric to tie the two parts together.

I have a sort of plan, which includes putting this on point. Over the next few weeks we will see if it works at all.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Highlighted in the late afternoon sunshine


Work in Progress - Black and White and Yellow

Here's some pieces from my newest work in progress. I think the inspiration for this one came from two dispirit sources . I saw an interesting quilt on Tumblr and some almost toile fabric -- a large sort of pictorial print in black on white with some yellow highlights. I did not end up buying the fabric and I think my blocks are completely unlike those making up the quilt I saw on Tumblr. I guess that is what I get for not going back and looking at the quilt, when I made my cuts.

First, I took a couple of photos of blocks laying on my off white table.



Then I took some with a darker background. I think that worked better.



I ended up sewing a sort of sashing to the blocks for two reasons, obviously it solves any problems I might have with distortion over the length of the sashing, but also because it makes it easier for me to move the blocks around as I try to decide on their placement.

Here's my first try laying the blocks out


I think the final quilt will be 4 blocks by 4 blocks, or about 36 by 48 inches and I am pretty much committed to trying it again with a few blocks that include a blue and white fabric (committed as in I have made several of the blue blocks) along with the black and white and yellow.