Saturday, November 20, 2010

Little Ms Small

Sometime in late July I took my little cat, Small, into the vet about an eye infection. After some treatments and a couple of return visits it was determined that she was in fact suffering from a tumour growing under her inner eyelid. The eye specialist thought she also had tumours in the lymph system so even if I had, had money to remove her eye it would have been to no avail. It was a kind of stressful summer watching Ms Small get sicker, but until the last few days she seemed to find things to enjoy all around her.

I had Small about eleven years. I found her in the backyard hiding among the grape leaves. I left her out there, (in the summer) thinking that perhaps she had just sneaked out of her own yard. But after a week of my leaving food out, she began to arrive at my door at about six am yowling for her breakfast and so I decided that she was mine and I brought her in. She was so small I assumed she was a six -nine month old kitten, but on our first visit to the vet for health and teeth inspections and a tummy shave to see that she had already been fixed, the vet told me she was about two years old and Small became my cat.

Late this Summer

And here just a day or two before her death -- sleeping on the back of my challenge quilt. I put a towel on the table for her to nap on as I quilted and she seemed contented with the towel until I walked away from the quilting, when she would give a little stretch and move over on to my unprotected quilt.

I guess Sam and I are doing okay now. Sam seems to miss her more than I would have expected and not just her food, but he definitely misses that too. I had no idea how much of her food he must have been eating. His bowl is always empty now, and he is always needy and asking for love. It helps a bit, gives me something to focus on in addition to the missing Small. She was a good and loving friend I miss her.

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