Monday, July 12, 2010


The Mountains from the Edge of Sisters

This year for the first time ever I attended the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. I took many pictures and not nearly as many as I would have liked. At some point in the process I suddenly realized my memory card was filling up. It is easy to reach sensory overload looking at so many quilts in the hot sun -- all in one day. But I think looking at all those quilts and my photographic reminders will improve my quilting. It will take me a month or two or three to post them, but here are a couple images to set the scene.

This is where I was dropped off by the bus -- at City Hall and the Start of the quilt walk for me.

Here is blocked off main street full of people admiring the quilts.

Quilts hanging on City Hall. Unfortunately, I only rarely managed to capture quilters names -- I will post those I got.

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