Monday, February 13, 2012

Couthouse Steps

I think I am kind of addicted to working on on log cabin, or variants of the log cabin quilt. This is my first go at the Courthouse Steps block and I just absolutely have to say, I like it!

As I was pressing the blocks of this quilt I kept thinking the back side is lovely. There is an extra stripey effect caused by the contrast of the subtle wrong side of the fabrics contrasted with the bright right sides visible in the open pressed seams.

Courthouse Steps -- Inside

This quilt is based on something I found in a book, Best of the Best Quilts by Leslie Beck, which I checked out from the public library -- but her quilt is in palest pale pastels and has more fabrics and more rounds.

I don't think I realized how bright my quilt was going to be until I began to lay out some of the finished blocks. Not only are the colours bright, which I had noticed, but they appear even brighter enhanced by the diagonal push of the pattern.

Courthouse Steps -- in progress

Now, I have to think about what to do about the border. I have fabric laying all around the outside of the pieced portion of this quilt top, but nothing is speaking to me. I will definitely need to think about it for a bit.

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